FAQs: Where is My Refund?
What you will need:
- Social security number or ITIN
- Your filing status
- Your exact refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting this IRS website: https://sa.www4.irs.gov/irfof/lang/en/irfofgetstatus.jsp
The IRS issued more than 9 out of 10 refunds in less than 21 days. However, it’s possible your tax return may require additional review and take longer.
What you will need:
- Social security number
- Tax year
- Your refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting this site: https://myalabamataxes.alabama.gov/_/
What you will need:
- Social Security Number
- Filing Status
- Zip Code
- Tax year
You can check your refund status by visiting the Arizona Department of Revenue website: https://www.aztaxes.gov/Home/CheckRefund
What you will need:
- Social Security number
- ZIP code
- Your exact refund amount
- Numbers in your mailing address
You can check your refund status by visiting the California Franchise Tax Board site here: https://webapp.ftb.ca.gov/refund/login?Submit=Check+refund&Lang=en-us
What you will need:
- Social Security Number
- Refund Amount
- PIN/Letter ID
You can check your refund status by visiting the Colorado Department of Revenue website here: https://www.colorado.gov/revenueonline/_/#1
What you will need:
- Social security number (or your spouse’s social security number if it is a joint return and your spouse’s number is entered first on the return)
- The exact amount of the refund request as reported on your income tax return
You can check your refund status by visiting the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services site: https://drsindtax.ct.gov/AUT/welcomeindividual.aspx
What you will need:
- Social security number
- Your refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Delaware Department of Revenue site: https://dorweb.revenue.delaware.gov/scripts/refinq/refinq.dll
What you will need:
- Social Security Number
- Tax Year
- Refund Amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the DC Office of Tax and Revenue online portal here: https://mytax.dc.gov/_/#1
What you will need:
- Social Security Number
- Expected refund amount
- Tax year
You can check your refund status by visiting: https://gtc.dor.ga.gov/_/
What you will need:
- Social security number
- Your refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Hawaii Department of Taxation’s Tax Refund Status site: https://hitax.hawaii.gov/_/
What you will need:
- Social security number or ITIN
- Your refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Idaho State Tax Commission site: https://idahotap.gentax.com/tap/_/
What you will need:
- Social security number
- Your refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Illinois Department of Revenue site: https://mytax.illinois.gov/_/
What you will need:
- Social security number
- Tax Year
- Your refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Indiana Department of Revenue site: https://secure.in.gov/apps/dor/tax/refund/
What you will need:
- Social Security number
- Tax Year
- Refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Iowa Department of Revenue site:
What you will need:
- Social security number
- Your refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Kansas Department of Revenue site: https://www.kdor.ks.gov/apps/kcsc/increfundstatus.aspx
What you will need:
- Social security number
- Your refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Kentucky Department of Revenue by visiting this site:
What you will need:
- Social Security number
- Tax Year
- Filing status
- Refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Louisiana Department of Revenue by visiting this site:
What you will need:
- Social Security number
- Filing status
- Refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Maine Revenue Services by visiting this site:
What you will need:
- Social security number
- Your refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Maryland Office of the Comptroller by visiting this site:
What you will need:
- Social Security number
- Tax year
- Refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Massachusetts Department of Revenue by visiting this site: https://www.mass.gov/how-to/check-the-status-of-your-tax-refund
What you will need:
- Social Security Number
- Primary Filer’s Last Name
- Tax Year
- Adjusted Gross Income or Total Household Resources
- Filing Status
You can check your refund status by visiting the Michigan Department of Treasury by clicking here: https://etreas.michigan.gov/iit/p/iitWMR
What you will need:
- Social Security number
- Date of birth
- Return type
- Tax year
- Refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Minnesota Department of Revenue by visiting this site:
What you will need:
- Social security number or Federal employer ID
- Your exact refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Mississippi Department of Revenue by visiting this site: https://tap.dor.ms.gov/_/
What you will need:
- Social Security number
- Filing status
- Refund amount
- Tax year
You can check your refund status by visiting the Missouri Department of Revenue by clicking here.
What you will need:
- Filing status
- Social Security number
- Refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Montana Department of Revenue by visiting this site: https://mtrevenue.gov/taxes/individual-income-tax/individual-refunds/
What you will need:
- Social Security number
- Filing status
- Refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Nebraska Department of Revenue by visiting this site:
What you will need:
- Social security number
- Your refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the New Jersey Department of Treasury by visiting this site:
What you will need:
- Social security number or ITIN
- Your exact refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department by visiting this site: https://tap.state.nm.us/tap/_/#1
What you will need:
- Social security number
- Tax year
- Select the forms you filed
You can check your refund status by visiting the New York Department of Taxation and Finance by visiting this site: https://www8.tax.ny.gov/PRIS/prisStart
What you will need:
- Social security number
- Your refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the North Carolina Department of Revenue by visiting this site: https://eservices.dor.nc.gov/wheresmyrefund/refundinput.jsp
What you will need:
- Tax year
- Social Security number or ITIN
- Filing status
- Refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the North Dakota Department of Revenue by visiting this site: https://apps.nd.gov/tax/tap/_/
What you will need:
- Social Security number
- Date of Birth
- Type of tax return
You can check your refund status by visiting the Ohio Department of Taxation by visiting this site:
What you will need:
- Last 7 digits of SSN or ITIN
- Refund amount
- Zip code
You can check your refund status by visiting the Oklahoma Tax Commission by visiting this site:
You can also check the status of your refund by calling Oklahoma’s Taxpayer Services at (405)521-3160.
What you will need:
- Social security number
- Your refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Oregon Department of Revenue by visiting this site:
What you will need:
- Social security number
- Your refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue by visiting this site: https://mypath.pa.gov/_/
What you will need:
- Social Security number
- Filing type
- Refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Rhode Island Division of Taxation by visiting this site:
What you will need:
- Social security number or ITIN
- Your refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting this
You can check the status of your refund from the South Carolina Department of Revenue by visiting this site:
What you will need:
- Taxpayer ID
- Your refund amount or Federal Adjusted Gross Income (FAGI)
You can check your refund status by visiting the Utah Tax Commission by visiting this site:
What you will need:
- Last name
- Zip code
- Refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Vermont Department of Taxes by visiting this site:
What you will need:
- Social Security number
- Tax year
- Refund amount
- Filing type
You can check your refund status by visiting the Virginia Department of Taxation by visiting this site:
What you will need:
- Tax payer ID
- Tax year
- Your refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the West Virginia Department of Revenue by visiting this site: https://mytaxes.wvtax.gov/_/#1
What you will need:
- Social security number
- Your refund amount
You can check your refund status by visiting the Wisconsin Department of Revenue by visiting this site: